Work Station window - Misc Tab - Misc Page 1 subtab data fields

Work Stations window - Misc tab, Misc Page 1 subtab

Port for Printing Barcodes

If you are using the barcode printing module to print barcodes, enter the port to the barcode printer this workstation should print to. 

Laser Checks

If you are using the Accounts Payable and/or General Ledger modules and are printing checks to a laser printer, click Laser Checks in order to select it.

Dot Matrix Checks

If you are using the Accounts Payable and/or General Ledger modules and are printing checks to a dot matrix printer, click Dot Matrix Checks in order to select it.

Note: The checks must either be purchased by Tri-Tech or formatted similarly to the checks Tri-Tech sells. 

Popup Calendar Starting Day

On all date fields in AIMsi you can press the F6 key in order to open a calendar.  By default, the starting day for each week on the calendar is Monday; however, you may change this if you would prefer to start the week with a different day.  1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, 3=Wednesday, 4=Thursday, 5=Friday, 6=Saturday, 7=Sunday

Table Refresh Rate

The Table Refresh Rate determines how often to refresh all tables in AIMsi on the workstation you are setting up.

Example: If the Table Refresh Rate is set to 5, on this workstation AIMsi will refresh its tables every five seconds. This means that the maximum amount of time that this particular workstation will recognize the activity that occurred on another workstation is five seconds. So, if an inventory item was received into inventory on a different workstation, this workstation may not see the item for five seconds. Please note that this will not cause duplication of account numbers, reference numbers, etc. because the system variable that holds this data is always updated immediately.

Note: The default is 0 and most likely would not need to be changed on newer operating systems.  However, if you are experiencing issues of data not coming across the network right away (i.e. a sale is posted on one workstation and doesn't appear on a sales report on another workstation moments later), we would recommend you set the Table Refresh Rate to 5.

Application Timer

Application Timer refers to the frequency with which the workstation should check for a forced exit, system lockout or employee messages.  The number entered is in minutes.  Refer to "System Lockout" in Administration for information on scheduling a lockout.

Force App Exit at

If you would like to force AIMsi to close on this workstation every day at a specific time, enter that time in military format here.  This would be beneficial if you have automatic daily backups scheduled for a certain time every day and you want to be sure no posting occurs during the time of the backup. 

Note: You must set the Application Timer in order for the Force App Exit to work. 

Note: If you set a time in the Force App Exit field,  after saving you must close AIMsi and re-open in order to refresh AIMsi for it to work.

TS Tab Refresh

The TS Tab Refresh refers to using tabs (i.e. bar tabs) in the touchscreen POS program, and this option determines the frequency of refreshing the items on the tab, in seconds.

Auto Reduce Invoice Balance in Merchandise Return

When returning merchandise that was charged on account and the invoice remains outstanding at the time of the return, you have the option to automatically reduce the original invoice balance by the amount of the return by checking Auto Reduce Invoice Balance in Merchandise Return.

This flag may be set or unselected on an individual basis in "Merchandise Return".

Amounts Entered in the Rental Program include Tax

If you are using the Long Term Rent and Sales Contracts module and the amounts that will be entered on new contracts have tax added, check this option. The tax portion of the payment will then be broken out of the amount entered. If the amounts that will be entered on new contracts do not have tax added, make sure this box is not selected.  If not selected, tax will be calculated on the amounts entered on new contracts (when applicable).

Example:  If you are entering the monthly rental payment (excluding maintenance) on the contract to be $25.00, does this amount include tax? If the answer is Yes and this option is selected, when $25.00 is entered as the payment amount the tax portion will be automatically broken out of the $25.00 and entered as the tax portion and the remaining amount will be the principal. If the answer is No and this option is not selected, when $25.00 is entered as the payment amount the tax will be calculated on the $25.00 and automatically entered as the tax portion of the payment. The $25.00 will then appear as the principal.

Show Contract Date in Rental Program

If you are using the Long Term Rent & Sales Contracts module, and would like the Contract Date to be a required field for entry when entering a new rental, check this option.  If this option remains unchecked, the contract date will default to today's date; however, it may be changed when needed.

Employee Messaging/Contact Mgmt Popups on Timer

If you would like AIMsi to search for messages and contact management popups for the logged in employee on this workstation and display them when found, check this option.  The Application Timer must be set and should represent the frequency (in minutes) that you would like AIMsi to perform the search. 

If this option is not checked, the only times AIMsi will search for and display messages for employees are when the employee logs into AIMsi or when the employee clocks in or out using the Time Clock feature.

Disable the Clock In/Out Program on this Workstation

If you do not want this workstation to be used by employees to clock in or out, check this option.  When this option is selected, the "Clock In/Out" program on the "Employee/Messaging" menu will not be visible.

Note: If you disable the Clock In/Out program on this workstation,  after saving you must close AIMsi and re-open in order to refresh AIMsi for it to work.

Touchscreen Invoice Quick Start

If you are using the Touchscreen POS and would like to open the touchscreen POS program simply by touching the AIMsi background, check this option.  This saves you from having to use the menu to open the touchscreen POS.

New Posting Logon

If the workstation being established is a POS workstation and you would like the sales person to be automatically logged out after each POS and Return transaction, click this option in order to select it. If selected, after each POS transaction and return the sales person logged in will be automatically logged out. AIMsi will be inaccessible until someone logs back in.

Skip Messages

If 'New Posting Logon' is checked, and you do not want employee messages to appear each time the employee logs in to this workstation to post a new transaction, check 'Skip Messages'.  The employee messages will then only appear when the employee opens AIMsi.

Enable Sound

If you would like to enable sound in AIMsi on this workstation, check this option.  A brief sound will be played when AIMsi is opened and closed, when a sale/payment transaction is posted and when autopays are run.

256 Color

If AIMsi is being accessed remotely, you might want to check this option in order to lower the colors so it does not take as long to send across.

Default Word Template Printer

When printing letters, notices, etc. by using the Word Template feature in AIMsi, the printer assigned here will be the default one used.  Click in the box and select the printer to use as the default from the drop down list.